Tuesday 27 January 2015

This Hilarious Video Is Exactly How Placement Interviews Should NOT Be

You all remember the story of Beauty and the Beast, right? College placement interview is the only time when the beasts take a shower, trim their unruly beards, dress properly (or at all) and turns out into a Beauty, of sorts.
Not only do we change our outward appearance, but we also alter our language to a great extent. Words and phrases like ‘sir’, ‘mam’, ‘I look forward to it’ and ‘your firm is the best’ have new-found places in our vocabulary and hearts.
“Buttering” as we Indians like to call it, reaches a new level.
If only these interviews were honest, right? This fantabulous video shows exactly what would happen if we started to speak our minds out during placement interviews.
We’ll we’d be fucked, but the laugh will be worth it.

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