Sunday 25 January 2015


  1.  Justin once kissed a poster of himself and said “Yup, I’m a great kisser”.
  2.  Justin gets about 60 new mentions on twitter per second whether he tweets or not.
  3. Once Justin got an ‘F’ in school, but he changed it to a ‘B’, so he wouldn’t get in trouble.
  4. Justin has been claustrophobic since the age of 7.
  5. Justin once had a dream that a cat ate him, that’s why he doesn’t like cats.
  6. Justin can juggle, do a front flip and back flip.
  7. Justin’s Twitter account is worth over $9,000,000 according to
  8. On 1st March 2013, Bieber tweeted saying “Worst birthday ever.” The tweet quickly went viral, becoming the third-most Tweeted message ever!
  9. Originally started posting videos so that his friends and family could watch him perform.
  10. Justin can play the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet.
  11. Justin Bieber gets about 6 hours of sleep each night because of his busy schedule.
  12. While filming “Eenie Meenie” a Bentley was damaged, and it cost $50,000 to fix.
  13. Once Justin got an ‘F’ in school, but he changed it to a ‘B’, so he wouldn’t get in trouble.
  14. Justin once admitted that he cried because of the haters comments.

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