Saturday 23 May 2020

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Monday 9 February 2015

13 Countries Where You Can Get The Most Bang For Your Rupee

1. Belarus

belarus on world map
Good news for people who really want to experience Europe on a shoestring budget! This small former Soviet country is dirt cheap. On the downside however, there is not much to see unless you are a fan of nostalgic Soviet architecture and ambience. If you want to feel like you're in Russia but pay a lower price for it all, you've made the best decision of your life to come here.
Some useful words: zdravstvujtie (means "hello", I'm not joking!), dziakuj(thank you), praklon (dammit!), bliadz (bitch!)
What to look out for: Brest Fortress (I can tell you just got disappointed when you saw a different spelling).
What to try: Draniki, which are thick pancakes made from grated potatoes with various stuffings served with sour cream.

2. Bolivia

world map bolivia
This landlocked South American country has a fascinating history along with a landscape of contrasts. You might want to brush up on your Spanish before going here.
Some useful words and phrases: Hola! (hello), usted habla ingles? (Do you speak English), cojudo (dumbass)cua fea balla al mearda (*censored*).
What to look out for: The diversity in the country's population reflects the diversity in landscape.
What to try: Cheese empanadas.

3. Cambodia

world map cambodia
After the reign of terror of the Khmer rouge, this southeast Asian nation has opened up to the world with temples and architecture that reflect the golden age of its ancient history.
Some useful words: niak sohk sabaay te? (how are you?), sott dae ondoong binh duke hah yeung (my hovercraft is full of eels).
What to look out for: The Angkor Wat Temple.
What to try: Fish Amok, a fish mousse made with a special herb, ginger, lime and lemon grass paste. 

4. Costa Rica

world map costa rica
This Latin American country is a favourite destination for travellers who love a tropical setting with sun, sand and jungles. Ditch Goa for once and find your way to Costa Rica!
Some useful words: Hola (Hello), vayase al demonio (go to hell).
What to look out for: Costa Rica has amazing beach resorts. Just imagine Thailand in a Latin American setting.
What to try: Refrescos Naturales, tropical fruit smoothies.

5. Hungary

world map hungary
Once the center of European power, Hungary is now a great place to get a crash course in history. Budapest has the most amazing architecture in the world and it will literally make your jaw drop.
Some useful words: jo napot (good day), kurva eletbe (FML).
What to look out for: The magical city of Budapest.
What to try: Goulash, yup you've probably heard of it before, but this is the original.

6. Iceland

world map iceland
Contrary to its name, this Nordic country has lush greenery in summers and is not a block of ice like Greenland.
Some useful words: Allt gott (I'm fine thanks), það er svo kalt (it's so cold),Kunntan thin (you #*nt).
What to look out for: Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights in winter.
What to try: The people of Iceland love whale meat so we'll just recommend something less controversial. The humble and delicious skyr for dairy lovers is soft and creamy like dahi but not as sour.

7. Indonesia

world map indonesia
Indonesia is an archipelago of more than a thousand islands and was one of India's largest trading partners in ancient times. Today, it is a country of contrasts with friendly people.
Some useful words: Selamat Pagi (Good morning), terima kasih (thank you),goblok (dumbass), anjing (bitch).
What to look out for: Bali and Java are great places to learn about the local culture and have some great beaches and tropical getaways.
What to try: Nasi Goreng, Chinese style fried rice with anything you like (chicken, seafood, beef, egg) with curry and other spicy condiments.

8. Mongolia

world map mongolia
This country located in the Gobi desert has been home to nomads for centuries. Although they have adopted modern techniques, they still follow the lifestyles of their ancestors i.e. rearing horses and cattle as well as having cozy homes that are always on the move.
Some useful words: Sain baina uu (hello), boovoo saa (*^$# yourself).
What to look out for: Experience a homestay with nomads. It's like living on a farm in the desert.
What to try: Mongolia is the place to go if you are a die-hard non-vegetarian. From mutton dumplings to mutton soup, you're cholesterol levels are very likely to skyrocket. You can get a hearty meal under Rs. 300

9. Nepal

Nepal world map
This Himalayan nation is a popular haunt with Indian tourists due to its affordability and a chance to see the Himalayas close-up. 
Some useful words and phrases: Tapaaii lai kasto cha? (How are you?),sauchalaya kata chha (where's the toilet?), chahk (ass).
What to look out for: A front row view of Mount Everest.
What to try: Chatamari, a kind of Nepali pizza which is a rice crepe topped with minced meat, egg and seasonal vegetables.

10. Pakistan

pakistan world map
Our neighbor might not be the most tourist friendly place on Earth but if you are a history buff, sites like the Indus Valley and the ruins of Mohenjo Daro would absolutely blow your mind.
What to try: Lamb Nihari with naan.

11. Paraguay

paraguay world map
Bolivia's southern neighbour, Paraguay, is also an interesting nation that reflects the mystique of the South American heartlands and the Amazon basin.
Some useful words: Haku eterei! (It's hot!), che haku (I'm hot), ejapiro tuna ari (go *#@% off on a cactus).
What to look out for: The lively waterfront area of Encarnación has earned a reputation as one of Paraguay’s major tourist destinations. Locals flock to the beach during the summer season (December to February), which is brought to a close by the biggest carnival in the country.
What to try: Terere a traditional herb infused drink that has been around for a very long time.

12. Sri Lanka

Sri lanka world map
This island is beautiful when it's not bogged down with political riots.
Some useful words: oba ingreesi kathaa karanavadha? (do you speak English?), kiyeda meka? (how much is this), Hukkanna (*censored* - use it on a local and find out), Balli (bitch).
What to look out for: Beaches, jungles, hills and tea gardens, Sri Lanka is just like Kerala. Excellent golf courses, if you play the sport.
What to try: Lamprais, influenced by the Dutch Burghers, these are steamed rice balls wrapped in banana leaf with a filling of meat and a spicy shrimp paste.

13. Vietnam

vietnam world map
This country is always on the move. Find yourself on an intersection in Hanoi and the traffic doesn't seem to have any direction. The only way to survive is to weave your way to where you want to go.
Some useful words and phrases: Hân hạnh gặp ông (good morning), giao thông này  điên (this traffic is #$%^ed up).
What to look out for: Take a cruise on Halong Bayit's the highlight of every holiday in Vietnam.
What to try: Beef Pho, Beef noodle soup. Don't worry if you're a hardcore Hindu. Pork and chicken alternatives are available.

Sunday 1 February 2015


You know how discipline works?
Don't plan your discipline around your other to-dos. Plan your life around your discipline.
Cement your routines around the iron rods of discipline. If you have to wake up at 6 am everyday, you wake up, no matter at what time you sleep.


Saturday 31 January 2015


1. ‘I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.’ – Michael Jordan
 2. ‘The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.’ – Buddha 3. ‘There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible; the fear of failure.’ – Paulo Coelho 
4. ‘Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.’ – Thomas Edison 
5. ‘Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It’s ok to fail. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.’ – H. Stanley Judd 
6. ‘You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.’ – Wayne Gretzky 
7. ‘Remember that failure is an event, not a person.’ – Zig Ziglar 
8. ‘Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.’ – Denis Waitley 
9. ‘I really don’t think life is about the I­could­have­beens. Life is only about the I­tried­todo. I don’t mind the failure but I can’t imagine that I’d forgive myself if I didn’t try.’ – Nikki Giovanni 
10. ‘Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.’ – Steve Jobs 
11. ‘It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.’ – Theodore Roosevelt 
12. ‘There is no failure except in no longer trying.’ – Elbert Hubbard 
13. ‘Failure is success if we learn from it.’ – Malcolm Forbes 
14. ‘It is fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.’ – Bill Gates 
15. ‘You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.’ – Johnny Cash 
16. ‘Failure happens all the time. It happens every day in practice. What makes you better is how you react to it.’ – Mia Hamm 
17. ‘One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.’ – Henry Ford 
18. ‘For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.’ – Mary Kay Ash 
19. ‘Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic.’ – Anonymous 
20. ‘Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.’ – Anonymous

Thursday 29 January 2015


#1. Dream Big. Start small. Act now.
#2. Victims make excuses. Leaders deliver results.
#3. Clarity breeds mastery. 
#4. Education is inoculation against disruption.
#5. A problem is only a problem when viewed as a problem.
#6. All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.
#7. If you’re not scared a lot you’re not doing very much.
#8. Where victims see adversity, extreme achievers see opportunity.
#9. The project you are most resisting carries your greatest growth.
#10. Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.
#11. Criticism is the price of ambition.
#12. Potential unexpressed turns to pain.
#13. Ordinary people love entertainment. Extraordinary people adore education.
#14. Your daily behavior reveals your deepest beliefs.
#15. The only failure is not trying.
#16. Focus is more valuable than IQ.
#17. To double your income, triple your investment in self-development.
#18. Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.
#19. An addiction to distraction is the end of your creative production.
#20. Life is short. Be of use.


1. In spelling of 1 to 99 letters a, b, c, d are not used until 100 in which 'd' comes twice - hundred.

2. In spelling of 1 to 999 a,b,c are not used and a comes in 'Thousand'.

3. In spelling of 1 to 999,999,999 letters b,c are never used until in Billion where b comes for the first time.

4. Letter 'c' is never used in English counting .